청빙 게시판


[CA] 샌디에고 베다니 교회 담임 목사 청빙

CKSB 0 966 01.10 17:58
베다니 교회는 1994년에 샌디에고에 세워진 한인침례교회이며남침례교단 (Southern Baptist Convention) 소속되어 있습니다.


1.    하나님을  마음으로 사랑  경외하며샌디에고 베다니 교회의 비전을 충성스럽게 이어가며성도를 온유한 마음으로  목양하며말씀 사역을 통해 제자 훈련  복음 증거 사역에 힘쓰며어려움 가운데 있는 교인들을 돌보며사역자  교회    리더십을 지혜롭게 섬기며 이끌어 가실  있는 .  

2.    침례교 신앙과 메시지신학에 동의하며 이단성 시비가 있는 단체와 교류하지 않은 .  

3.    침례교단 신학교 M.Div. 이상 졸업하신 .

4.    침례교단에서 목사 안수 받으신 

5.    만약 3 또는 4 질문에 아니오라고 답했다면침례교 목사로 교단을 옮기고 남침례교 신앙을 완전히 따를 의향이 있으신 .   (https://www.cksbca.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=6_10&wr_id=8)

6.    목사 안수 , 5 이상 담임목사 사역하고 있으신 .

7.    이중 언어(한국어/영어) 설교가 가능하신 .

8.    미국 시민권 또는 영주권을 소유하신  (미국  근로조건에 결격 사유가 없으신 )

구비 서류 (모든 서류는 한국어 및 영어로 작성해 주시길 바랍니다)

1.    이력서 (사모님 포함주소전화번호이메일을 명시해 주십시오)

2.    학위증명서(학부신학대학원 목사 안수 증명서 사본

3.    최근 6개월 이내 설교 3 비디오 파일

4.    구원  신앙 간증문 (2-3페이지 사모님 포함), 목회 계획서 (2-3페이지 목회 철학 (2-3페이지)

5.    사모님  가족 소개서 (가족 사진 포함)

6.    추천서 3 (봉인된 편지 또는 추천인이 직접 이메일 발송)

지원기간: 12  1 일까지 받은 서류에 대해 1  심사 진행

제출 마감: 청빙이 완료될 때까지 관심 있는 후보자의 지원을 수시로 받고 있습니다.

문의/서류를 보내실 :  이메일info@sdbethany.com  


 서류심사  청빙 후보자에게 이메일로 개별 통지 해드립니다.

 제출된 서류는 반환하지 않으며 청빙 완료  폐기합니다.

 제출된 서류가 사실과 다를 경우 최종결정 통지 후에도 청빙이 취소될  있음을 양지하시기 바랍니다


샌디에고 베다니 교회 청빙 위원회

[CA] Seeking Senior Pastor for Bethany Church in San Diego

Bethany Church is a Korean Baptist church established in San Diego in 1994 and is affiliated with the Southern Baptist


1. A person who loves and fears God with all his heart, faithfully carries on the vision of Bethany Church in San Diego, shepherds the congregation with a gentle heart, works hard to train disciples and witness the gospel through the ministry of the Word, cares for  church members in difficult situations, and can wisely serve and lead ministers and church leadership.

2. A person who agrees with the Baptist faith, message, and theology and does not associate with groups that have heretical controversies.

3. A person who has graduated from a Baptist seminary with an M.Div. or higher.

4. A person who has been ordained as a pastor in the Baptist denomination.

5. If you answered no to question 3 or 4, you are a Baptist pastor who is willing to change denominations and fully follow the Southern Baptist faith. (https://www.cksbca.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=6_10&wr_id=8)

6. After ordination, you have served as a senior pastor for more than 5 years.

7. You can preach in two languages ​​(Korean/English).

8. Those who have U.S. citizenship or permanent residency (those who do not have any reason to disqualify themselves from working in the U.S.)

Required documents (all documents must be written in Korean and English)

1. Resume (including spouse, address, phone number, and email)

2. Copy of degree certificate (undergraduate, seminary) and ordination certificate

3. Video files of 3 sermons from the past 6 months

4. Salvation and faith testimony (2-3 pages including spouse), ministry plan (2-3 pages) and ministry philosophy (2-3 pages)

5. Introduction of spouse and family (including family photos)

6. 3 letters of recommendation (sealed letter or email sent directly by recommender)

Application period: 1st review of documents received by December 1st

Submission deadline: We are accepting applications from interested candidates on a rolling basis until the invitation is completed.

Where to send inquiries/documents:

Email: info@sdbethany.com

※ After document review, we will individually notify the invitation candidates by email.

※ ​​Submitted documents will not be returned and will be destroyed after the invitation is completed.


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