청빙 게시판


뉴비전교회 Youth Pastor 청빙

강승수 0 928 2024.12.20 15:49

Youth Pastor

Overview: The Youth Pastor will work to establish and cultivate the community building in youth ministry through discipleship & student leadership. Youth Pastor would oversee high school & junior high school ministry.


·         Works/submits under the vision & direction of the Senior Pastor

·         Oversees the High School and Junior High School Ministry. This includes:

o   Visitation/Pastoral Counseling

o   Weekday Gatherings (such as Friday nights)

o   Ministry-specific events

·         Establishes & develops a discipleship program for youth. This includes

o   Working to develop a program

o   Overseeing & organizing the program as a whole

o   Overseeing the leaders involved

o   Connecting with the schools to further expand discipleship

·         Oversees & organizes the youth student leadership. These teams include:

o   Prayer Team

o   Welcome/Care Team

o   Outreach Team

o   Praise/Tech Team (works with the Worship Director)

·         Collaborate & oversee on seasonal events (like retreats)



·         Required:

o   A clear calling & passion for pastoral ministry for youth

o   Graduate of an accredited seminary with a Master of Divinity degree

o   2+ years of ministry experience involved in youth ministry

o   Willingness to uphold to the Southern Baptist theology

o   Willingness to work with the pastoral staff & with the church

o   Able to lead & work in team settings

o   Strong desire to build & develop pastoral relationships with leaders & with students

·         Preferred:

o   Has a heart for & a proficient understanding of the Korean immigrant church

o   Has experience in developing discipleship programs in their ministries

o   Proficient in speaking & understanding the Korean language

o   5+ years of ministry experience involved in youth ministry

Position & Application

·         Position: Youth Pastor (Full Time)

·         Salary range is $75,000 - $85,000 per year

·         To apply please send required documents to hr.committee@newvisionchurch.org

o   Resume

o   Three references (at least one pastoral reference)

o   Personal testimony

o   Statement of faith and philosophy of ministry

o   Sample sermon in audio/video format

o   Copy of diploma or proof of enrollment in accredited seminary


New Vision Church is located in Silicon Valley in Northern California. Our motto is “Building God’s people to transform the world”

New Vision Church

1201 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035





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