총회 소식


관리자2 0 8,957 2014.09.20 18:39

** SBC 총회장이신 Dr. Ronnie W Floyd 목사님께서 미남침례회 한인교회 총회 위성교 총회장 목사님께 보내온 소식을 원문으로 올려드립니다.**

Dr. Ronnie W Floyd 총회장 목사님,

우리 남침례교단을 비롯한 이 시대 모든 교회가 직면하고 있는
고통을 정확히 지적하고 솔직히 나눠 주셔서 큰 감명을 받았습니다. 
다시 숙고하면서 읽고 기도하려고 합니다.

저는 지금 한국 침례교 총회 참석과 여러 교회 말씀 사역을 위해 한국에
와 있습니다. 이 곳 한국 교회도 당면한 문제들이라 생각합니다.
리더들이 기도 하면서 정직한 마음으로  하나님께 회개하고 기도하는 길 밖에
대안이 없다고 생각합니다. 다시 대각성이 일어 날 수 있을까요?



Dear Friends,

Thank you for attending the “Prayer, Conversation, and Strategy” meeting in Atlanta. I trust you believe I was faithful to my commitment to leading us to these three things. I pray you believe the time was profitable personally and collectively.

I want to share a few things that are important for each of us:

1. Several have asked me if it was permissible for them to share publically either verbally or in writing about this meeting. I believe it is fine to mention that you were a part of a larger group that prayed and dialogued with each other about the Southern Baptist Convention. Our prayer is that we will all begin to talk to one another, openly and honestly. I would urge you to share that it was a positive discussion and how God may have used it in your life. If asked, our group was a representative group of 94 SBC officials and pastors of all ages and diversity. Our intent was to keep it limited in size for practical reasons and make it possible for interaction with each other.

2. God used each person who made a presentation. As we know, Dr. Jimmy Draper’s presentation was very special to all of us. He has permitted me to share it with you, realizing it could end up in all kinds of places. After we transcribed it for him, he personally edited it into the final attached format. Additionally, this is a link to the audio from his presentation:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/94935705/JimmyDraper_WhatISeeInTheSBC.mp3

I have already listened to it at least two times. Thank you, Jimmy Draper.

3. We shared a list of 10 concerns after our time of dialogue on Monday evening. The list was not in order of priority, but in number format for easy reference in our discussion. From this point on, please use the attached list. We have eliminated the numbers, as well as rearranged the statements for clearer understanding.

4. Below are a few comments for your consideration, related to each item on the list:

*Revival and Great Awakening - This was a major consensus at most every table. While we do not state that as our escape from our challenges, we do state it as an agreed upon major hope we must all have and share.

*Unity and Cooperation - I appeal to each of you, we must come together. Our unity is in major question. We must create a much more unified culture within the SBC. Competition and comparison must be replaced with cooperation. Cooperation is a core value of our historic beginning in 1845. This was affirmed through our BF&M 2000 article on cooperation where it states: “They are voluntary and advisory bodies designed to elicit, combine, and direct the energies of our people in the most effective manner.” I would urge you to once again read this article along with the texts related. The link is:http://www.sbc.net/bfm2000/bfm2000.asp

*Cooperative Program - We must find a way to communicate with all generations and churches the significance of funding our Great Commission ministries. Read and listen again to Jimmy Draper’s reference to this in his presentation. As we come upon the 90th anniversary of the beginning of the CP, we must address our greatest needs regarding it. This is bigger than any of our preferences or practices: we must work together to fund our Great Commission ministries.

*The Great Commission - This is what we are all about and remains our assignment by the Lord Himself. It must be our highest priority. We are a people who are about reaching the world for Christ.

*Change the Annual Meeting - We have a disconnect cross-generationally relating to our meeting; therefore, we will work toward a solution not only for Columbus, but also for our long-term future.

*Communication - Our Atlanta meeting affirmed our great need to tell our story more effectively. The story we must be faithful to tell everywhere we go is how we are reaching the world for Jesus Christ. Our responsibility within each one of our entities, our conventions, and our churches is linked together through this common missional vision.

*Better engagement of the younger generation - This is happening now more than ever, and all of us will continue to work toward this goal.

*Duplication - This is something that only the entities and conventions themselves can address. Not only individually, but collectively. I do believe this gathering and our churches would expect no less from all our SBC leadership. Please lead out in this effort and communicate any actions taken or clarity needed.

*Diversity – Without question, we are moving forward in becoming more diverse within the SBC and we celebrate that progress. Please help us to insure that we continue this progress, with great intentionality at all levels.

*Legacy churches - This was a much needed and great point for all of us to consider. We must celebrate all pastors following God’s calling, whether it be to plant a church or to pastor one of our many legacy churches. Our future is dependent on both; therefore, we need to encourage and celebrate both.

5. I am more than open to hear how you would coach me through this season of SBC life. I heard you last week, but I want to continue to hear you. Please communicate with me how you believe we can best address these needs. I am in deep need for wisdom and understanding from the Lord.

6. Many of you write columns daily or weekly. Please join me in highlighting some of our greatest needs: Awakening, Unity, Cooperation, Evangelism, Culture, and many other things. Use your influence as God leads you to help us move forward together in a positive way.

7. Next Monday night, September 22, I will address the SBC Executive Committee, which is not only attended by this national committee, but also by representation from each SBC entity and many state conventions. Please pray for me this week as I prepare this address.

Thank you again for coming to Atlanta.

Ronnie W. Floyd


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