총회 공지

기대하였던, 미동북 지역Boston에 침례교 신학교 개설된다.

관리자3 0 7,795 2015.07.25 05:54

미 6대 신학교 중 하나인 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary가 Boston Baptist College안에 개설 된다는 소식이다. 

미동북 지역Boston에 침례교 신학교 개설된다는 것은 때 늦은 감이 있지만 반가운 소식이다.

​Exciting Graduate News from Boston!
Boston Baptist College has continued to see our graduates further their education in any number of seminaries and universities. NOW, that opportunity goes to a whole new level! After years of dreaming and planning, Boston Baptist College and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, Texas) have a new opportunity here in the northeast!
Southwestern, the largest Baptist seminary in the country, has been an elite center for Biblical graduate education for more than a century. Thanks to new innovation, a Southwestern education is now possible in the Boston area! Starting this fall, a cohort of students will begin taking online courses with SWBTS, but this is “online” and much, much more. The Boston Baptist College administration and faculty will be ready for assistance in the graduate courses, so you will never be “alone” in your studies. Then, members of the Boston online cohort will also be invited to multiple meal fellowship events with visiting professors from Southwestern when they visit Boston. Even Dr. Paige Patterson is planning to speak on our campus this fall and looks forward to meeting “the Boston cohort” in person! It just keeps getting better as Southwestern is committed to working on more opportunities in Boston.
So now YOUR time has finally come. Start your graduate degree this fall while you stay home! And get a Southwestern degree while you are at it!
For more information contact Lauren Malicia
617-364-3510 ext. 237


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