
잠비아 단기선교(6개월-1년) 사역자 모집

강승수 0 5,391 2020.02.01 00:11


International Mission Board, Copperbelt Team, kitwe, Zambia

Daniel Youngmin Kim

Daniel694911@msnpath.com or danielngracekim@yahoo.com

Copperbelt Student Disciple Makersis a unique opportunity to make disciples among the college and university students of Zambia’s Copperbelt Province. This program will provide a well-structured cycle of student volunteers from universities, seminaries, associations, and churches who come to Zambia to share the Gospel and make disciples.

Reaching Students, Reaching Zambia

According to the 2018 CIA World Factbook, approximately 66% of Zambia’s population is 24 years and under. Currently there are five large educational institutions in the city of Kitwe, Zambia, in addition to many other universities and colleges in Copperbelt Province:     

·        Copperbelt University of Zambia: 18,000 students

·        Kitwe Teachers Training College: 3,000 students

·        Kitwe Vocational College: 700 students 

·        Mukuba University: 5,000 students

·        Zambia Institute of Business Studies and Industrial Practice, Kitwe: 1,000 students


Copperbelt University is one of the top universities in Zambia. Its students will be Zambia’s leaders of tomorrow. Copperbelt Student Disciple Makers exists to make an impact in the name of Jesus for years to come through those who, by God’s providence, will be Zambia’s future leaders.


Overview and Details

As an important component of its strategic plan, the Copperbelt Evangelism Team of the International Mission Board (IMB) wants to provide an ongoing cycle of believing students from universities, seminaries, associations, and churches who will spend two to four months sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ on Zambian campuses, leading many to Christ, developing them as His disciples, and facilitating their incorporation into the local church. The goal is that after graduation, these young believers will continue to serve Christ in a local church body and have an impact on their nation and the world well beyond their university years.


Leadership: The local IMB missionary couple will provide leadership for Student Disciple Makers and help connect them to Zambian students, pastors, and local churches to ensure follow up.

Work Status:Student Disciple Makers will be volunteer student workers under the Baptist Mission of Zambia and upon entry will need to get a 30-day business visa. We will extend this to a Temporary Work Permit once they are in country.

Requirements:Student Disciple Makers should be male, university student age, mature and active disciples of Christ. They must have a desire to be used by the Holy Spirit to speak God's love and truth to those who do not know Christ as Savior and Lord. They should be humble, relational, emotionally mature and creative. Their lives should reflect Christ in their values, actions, and attitudes. You must have a Passport.

A desire to spend large amounts of quality time with Africans is a must. Good physical and emotional health are also necessary because of the heat and the amount of walking required as well as amount of time spent with others.

Challenges: Students are busy, so finding time to build relationships and meet for Bible study and discipleship will take flexibility and creativity. Student Disciple makers will need to be comfortable engaging with many students from many different cultures and beliefs. Neo-Pentecostalism and cults such as Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh-Day Adventist, New Apostolic Church, and Roman Catholicism are rampant throughout Zambia. In addition, animistic undertones are found in much of life and religious practice. You should come ready to spend huge amounts of time making friends, sharing the gospel and making disciples. 

Housing and Transportation: Student Disciple Makers will live in a rented apartment or house near Copperbelt University in Kitwe. They will share the costs among their team. You will use local public transportation and should plan to do a lot of walking. You should come ready to share a room with a teammate.  One can purchase a bicycle to help get around.

Additional Information:Student Disciple Makers will be a part of the IMB Copperbelt Evangelism Team (CET) and will report directly to Daniel Kim, CET Team Leader. The Kims have served 20 years in Kitwe. This will ensure that all methods and ministry will build into CET’s long-range goals and church planting strategies and church revitalization.

Student Disciple Makers will be expected to join a local church and participate as full members of that church in order to train and serve in the areas of evangelism, discipleship, healthy church formation, and leadership development with university students. Modeling the life of a disciple of Christ in and out of the local church context is imperative.

Student Disciple Makers will be able to share the Gospel, disciple, and function in every way in English.


Team Leader Daniel Kim will send you the ciBemba/English Roman Road Story Gospel for you to memorize before you arrive on the field. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Upon arrival, you will have a one-week orientation, including training in the Roman Road Story Gospel and Basic Discipleship Course as well as reviewing basic security precautions. This will enable you to train nationals in these methods to give them tools to reach the lost.

Beginning in the second week, you will be at the Copperbelt University campus every day, all day, to share the Gospel through Roman Road Story Gospel evangelism and encourage students to enroll in the Basic Discipleship Course. You will conduct the Basic Discipleship Course at your house or at the school or dormitory. The Basic Discipleship Course lays the foundation for the Intermediate Discipleship Course, which you will lead before returning to the U.S. You will also teach the Roman Road Story Gospel to the new believers who are coming to the discipleship courses in order to multiply God’s witnesses who will share the Gospel after you leave.

Toward the end of your time in Copperbelt, another team of Student Disciple Makers will arrive to carry on the work you were doing. You will train those who come after you.

The goal of this work is to evangelize, make disciples, and train Zambians to evangelize and make disciples among their own people. Thus, the four components of the work will be evangelism, basic discipleship, intermediate discipleship, and training fishers of men. One team will stay for two to four months and during that time will train the following team, to go forward in the work of the Lord.


  • Baptist Mission of Zambia guest house stay: $50.00
  • One-week retreat with team leader: $50.00 (meals and printed materials for the week)
  • Visa: $50.00
  • Temporary work permit: $325.00 (4545 Zambian Kwacha)
  • Housing: $200.00/month per person 
  • Transportation to ministry sites: Around $200.00/month (for taxis; if you buy a bicycle, it will be cheaper). It is a walkable distance to the Copperbelt University campus, which will be the first place of work for the beginning of this ministry. The ministry will widen after a few cycles of Student Disciple Makers; then there will be a choice of public transportation or taxis.
  • Food: $300.00/month
  • Internet and talk time for phone: $75.00/month
  • Total cost per person: $475.00 one-time fees and $775.00/month

          (Extra spending money and leisure activities are not included)

         For more information, please contact Daniel Kim at:      

Daniel694911@msnpath.com or danielngracekim@yahoo.com

LINK: http://fcsmnstry.io/gv/CSqPWXWWW.imbstudents.org

Departs: Aug 2, 2020
Returns: Dec 9, 2020
Price: $3,950

Remove from imb.org Website Date: 05/15/2020
Description as it should be displayed on imb.org: Spend your days making friends and making a lasting impact by reaching the future leaders on college campuses. Come join us in making disciples who make disciples. Be a catalyst for life change, developing disciples who will have an eternal impact as they influence their nation and the world for Christ.
Length of Assignment (Days): 122
Pathway Requirements: Hands On - An opportunity to serve on mission for one or two semesters while being mentored by an IMB field missionary. Timeframes vary based upon the part of the world. Active members of Southern Baptist churches receive a subsidy for service making their price $3,950 for one semester or $5,950 for two semesters. This cost includes airfare, emergency insurance, and visas. Applicants who are not members of Southern Baptist Churches do not receive a subsidy and pay actual price that will be communicated after application.
Relationship Level: Level 1: Entry into target population = open to members of other evangelical churches.
Location as it should be Displayed on imb.org Website: Zambia
Setting: Large city
Cultural: According to the 2018 CIA World Factbook, approximately 66% of Zambia’s population is 24 years and under. Currently there are five large educational institutions in the city of Kitwe, Zambia, in addition to many other universities and colleges in Copperbelt Province:

· Copperbelt University of Zambia: 18,000 students

· Kitwe Teachers Training College: 3,000 students

· Kitwe Vocational College: 700 students

· Mukuba University: 5,000 students

· Zambia Institute of Business Studies and Industrial Practice, Kitwe: 1,000 students

Copperbelt University is one of the top universities in Zambia. Student Disciple makers will need to be comfortable engaging with many students from many different cultures and beliefs. Neo-Pentecostalism and cults such as Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh-Day Adventist, New Apostolic Church, and Roman Catholicism are rampant throughout Zambia. In addition, animistic undertones are found in much of life and religious practice.
Health Conditions: Extensive walking
Health Considerations: A desire to spend large amounts of quality time with Africans is a must. Good physical and emotional health are also necessary because of the heat and the amount of walking required as well as amount of time spent with others.
Is this trip for an individual or a group?: Individual
Gender Preference: 
Minimum Education: College student

APPLY BY MAY 15, 2020!



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